Dental Prophylaxis Topical fluoride therapy is usually recommended for patients having hot/cold
sensitivity due to aggressive tooth brushing or gum loss.

Topical Fluoride therapy is a type of dental treatment used to prevent tooth decay. It involves the use of a fluoride-containing product, such as a mouthwash or toothpaste, to help keep teeth strong and healthy. Fluoride therapy can be used for both children and adults, and is often recommended for people who are at an increased risk for tooth decay. Topical Fluoride therapy may even provide greater benefits in terms of tooth protection against tooth decay.
This is simple procedure performed by applying high concentration of fluoride on
tooth for about one minute.

This procedure also helps in:

  • reduce the risk of tooth cavity
  • slow the progression of dental carries
  • delay the need for costly dental treatment


Pit and fissure sealants are a type of dental sealant that is used to fill in the pits and fissures (grooves) on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. Pit and fissure sealants act as a barrier, preventing food and bacteria from getting trapped in these grooves and causing cavities.

Sealants are made of a plastic material that bonds to the tooth surface. They are usually clear or white in color. Once pit and fissure sealants are applied, they will last for several years before needing to be replaced.

Pit and fissure sealants are most effective when applied to teeth that have not yet developed cavities. However, they can also be used to treat early cavities.