Root Canal Treatment


Introduction to root canal:

A root canal treatment is a simple procedure utilised to repair and save a tooth in cases where a tooth is infected and badly damaged. During this procedure, all the necrotic pulpal tissue is removed first, and then the canals are cleaned and sealed. After this procedure, the tooth is restored with tooth colour restoration and crowned for protection.Usually this procedure is performed in single visit. In some cases, this procedure may take two visits.Root canal treatment generally involves the removal of dead or damaged tissue from a tooth, known as the pulp. This is caused by infection and inflammation in the dental pulp and sometimes due to decay or external injuries. When this infected pulp becomes exposed, root canal therapy is often required to avoid toothache.

Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment

What is the procedure of root canal treatment?

Going to the dentist can be somewhat of a frightening experience for some, but don’t worry – we’ll make you feel comfortable.

First, you will have dental X-rays to check the level of damage in the teeth.  After which, the dentist will offer a local anesthesia to minimize pain while they work on the patient’s mouth. In more extreme cases, we may have to remove the infected material beneath your gums too.

What are the steps to perform root canal therapy?

The following steps are performed by a dentist to perform Root Canal therapy:

Preparing the area

The dentist begins by numbing the area. Injections are used for this purpose the numbing agent into the gums and the tooth’s root. After the area is numbed, a rubber guard is placed across the teeth, protecting them from any damage during the procedure.

Accessing the roots

Next, the dentist drills into the tooth through the enamel and into the pulp chamber. The dentist also uses other instruments to clean out the pulp chamber and root canals. They then use an antibacterial and antiseptic solution to get rid of any bacteria in there as well as treat an infection by getting down deep inside into their canals.


Filling the canals

Dentists use gutta-percha to seal the canals. This rubber-like material is heated and then packed into the empty tooth canals. The dentist then adds a light cement to further secure the filling. Properly sealed root canals keep bacteria out.

Healing and antibiotics

The dentist might suggest that the patient take antibiotics prescribed by their doctor. The pills help kill any remaining infection in the gums and surrounding areas, but they also imply that it is normal to experience some discomfort for a few days after completion of this procedure as well as post-care instructions. Over-the-counter pain medications usually avoid patient discomfort and allow them to get back on their feet without much of a burden.

Adding the crown

If the root canal treatment was on the back tooth or it had significant damage, then a crown is placed around the treated tooth to provide additional strength and stability. Once it’s put in place it can handle the forces of chewing without issue again!

Root Canal Treatment