Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry is challenging field in dentistry, which deals with treating children’s teeth. Child teeth are very important as premature loss of primary teeth may affect physical health of a child and affect permanent tooth eruption complications.
Commonly procedures performed are:
Tooth colour filling
Dental Crown
Pits and fissure sealant
Space maintainer

Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry

What Does a Pediatric Dentist Do?

Pediatric dentists provide comprehensive oral health care designed to meet the needs of growing children and teenagers. They provide:

• Oral health exams
• Teeth cleaning and fluoride treatments
• Diagnosis and early treatment to straighten teeth or correct an improper bite
• Cavity removal
• Repair for dental injuries like fractured, displaced teeth
• Gum disease management to prevent pediatric periodontal disease
• Early detection of oral health conditions resulting from diabetes, asthma, hay fever, and ADHD