Dental Crown

Dental Crown

Dental crowns are caps placed on tooth to protect broken or damaged tooth.
When tooth-filling fails to restore structure and function of tooth, crowns are utilized to preserve and
restore function as well as esthetic .different options of crown includes Metals, porcelain, resin, and
ceramics. The cemented crown covers only the visible portion of tooth structures they usually do not require
any extra maintenance over time, except from maintaining basic oral hygiene.
When you need crown?
1. Restoring a fractured tooth
2. Significantly damaged tooth
3. Maintaining the stability of a dental bridge
4. Extremely stained tooth
5. Protection for a dental implant
6. Root canal treated tooth


Crown preparation usually requires two visits to make a dental crown.
 The first step is examination and preparation of the tooth
 The second step is the placement and cementation of the crown


Complete denture is a removable oral prosthetics that replace all of the teeth, soft tissue
and lost bone in entire arch. Complete denture composed of two components, artificial
teeth and denture base.
Complete dentures having natural appearance restore oral function, esthetic and helps in
proper word pronunciations.
Usually this procedure takes 3 or 4 visits and completed within one week.

Prosthodntics Crown